20.–23.01.2026 #immcologne

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Press information of imm cologne

12.12.2024 06:00:00
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Koelnmesse, one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers for interior events, has redefined the concept for its trade fairs in the furniture and interior design segment. From January 2026, imm cologne will be hosted as an annual event aimed at the consumer-oriented market segment with a refined and focused trade fair concept. To cater for the brand and premium segment, the new event format interior design days cologne (idd cologne) will be launched in October 2025. Its concept is carefully tailored to the specific market requirements of this segment. Developed in close collaboration with the furniture industry, the future duo of imm cologne and interior design days cologne is Koelnmesse’s response to the need to adapt traditional trade fairs to current market conditions with a flexible strategy.

09.10.2024 06:00:00
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Together with the Association of the German Furniture Industry (VDM) and the German Furniture and Kitchen Retailers Association (BVDM), Koelnmesse has decided to skip the imm cologne's January 2025 edition. This joint decision was taken following intense discussions and reflects the challenging conditions the furniture industry is currently facing, particularly in Germany. It gives everyone involved the chance to collaborate with Koelnmesse on the development of a new, more viable future trade fair format.

18.09.2024 06:00:00
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As the industry’s central sourcing platform, the Interior Business Event is set to focus on international networking.

06.06.2024 06:00:00
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From 12 to 16 January 2025, the trends of tomorrow will once again be set in Cologne. Now that the early-bird booking period has ended, companies can secure their place at the Interior Business Event on the standard terms – and take advantage of Koelnmesse’s new offerings. The new formats have been specially designed to provide the right package for every exhibitor so that the entire world of interior design can gather in Cologne – from innovative start-ups to medium-sized companies with long-standing traditions.

07.06.2023 06:00:00
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With fresh formats and groundbreaking topics, the imm Spring Edition has the industry excited about January 2024.

01.06.2023 06:00:00
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Inheriting good design not only passes a proven design canon down from generation to generation – it also serves as a model for a working concept of sustainability. It was this thesis that motivated the trade fair organisers to stage an exclusive special exhibition, where visitors attending the imm Spring Edition can discover a selection of timeless interior design classics that embody the idea

20.04.2023 06:00:00
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From 4 to 7 June 2023, the global interior design industry will gather for the imm Spring Edition in Cologne. With its novel exhibition concept, Pure Galleries, the Special Edition of imm cologne is proving to be experimental. A first-class event programme offers manifold networking opportunities. Trade fairs live from the personal exchange, the haptic discovery of new products and trends, as well


  • Sarah Kuna

    Sarah Kuna Public and Media Relations Manager

    Tel. +49 221 821-3746
    Mobil 0176 12563293

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