50679 Köln
The event
What do people really expect from their homes, kitchens and furniture in 2025+? The crucial question of how sustainable purchases are made today and what the market will demand tomorrow is answered by two prominent representatives of the industry: Yvonne Zahn, who inspires hundreds of thousands of followers with Yvis Kuechenglueck, and Barbara Busse, an internationally active trend researcher for premium and luxury brands. Sustainability is literally on everyone's lips. Meat-free and individualized diets are growing rapidly and surveys confirm this: We don't just want to eat fairly, we also want to live fairly. Kitchens and furnishings also need to become sustainable. Circular materials are conquering designers' studios and the big players are offering the first take-back and rental models. Sounds good. But if you ask around, there's still no sign of the new normal. Customers complain about the lack of offers from companies, while companies complain about the lack of acceptance of sustainable offers. Yvonne Zahn and Barbara Busse discuss the difference between wishful thinking and reality, options for first movers and the major kitchen trends of the future along with forecasts and outlooks.