20.–23.01.2026 #immcologne

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Events in times of corona

How to design your trade fair stand

It is gradually becoming clear that we will have to deal with corona for a long time. Knowing this, however, helps us to adapt better to the new circumstances and dare to try something different. This also applies to the trade fair world. Koelnmesse has developed a new format for 2021 with digital solutions, smart safety concepts and innovative ideas. We have put together a summary for you of what exhibitors need to keep in mind as well as tips for an attractive trade fair stand.

Trade fair stand design must be well thought out - especially in times of Corona.

Trade fair stand design must be well thought out - especially in times of Corona.

Hygiene measures 101

We are planning the next imm cologne from 18 to 24 Januar 2021 Due to the current corona situation, hygiene is our number one priority. We have developed a comprehensive #B-SAFE4business concept in order to maximise safety for event organisers, exhibitors and visitors.

Please note the following with regard to your trade fair stand:

  • A minimum distance of 1.5 metres must be maintained between visitors as well as during business appointments.
  • Provide disinfectant, and clean surfaces and exhibits regularly
  • With limited exceptions, mouth and nose protection must be worn throughout the entire fair grounds.
  • Shaking hands and physical contact should be avoided Stand parties are not allowed
  • Large containers for giveaways or sweets are not permitted. Items may only be handed out by personnel in accordance with hygiene regulations.
  • The personnel at the stand should not have any signs of a cold.
  • The measures implemented and the person responsible for them must be documented in a hygiene concept.

Basics of a successful trade fair appearance

Despite the hygiene measures, your trade fair stand should of course attract visitors. In terms of planning, it may help to first think about the goal. Do you want to acquire new customers, deepen existing relationships, strengthen your brand or discover new trends and innovations? Your goal also influences your trade fair concept. The same goes for the audience you want to address. You should definitely take their expectations into consideration in your planning.

Once the most important questions have been answered, you can register for the trade fair and begin with the conceptual planning of the trade fair stand and advertising materials. Start as early as possible. A professional, attractive trade fair stand is everything – above all in times of distancing rules.

Trade fair stand design and functionality

Make sure the design of your trade fair stand and advertising is consistent in order to achieve greater recognition. Individuality and creativity are also in demand: intense colours, unusual shapes and special effects attract a lot of attention.

It often takes seconds to decide whether something is interesting or not. The simpler and more coherent your trade fair stand design is, the more likely you are to draw visitors. Totems and display stands allow you to create various thematic areas, which are good for providing orientation and bundled information at a glance. At the same time, you can maintain the required distance between stand visitors.

The human brain processes abstract designs and texts more slowly than images, videos and faces. Therefore, make products or services come alive as much as possible: demonstration videos, live streams, apps, samples and 3D presentations of planned innovations help visitors to interact with the product and establish a connection quickly. In addition, media solutions go hand in hand with the hygiene concept because they are contact free.

At Koelnmesse, we firmly believe that everything is possible with our #B-SAFE4business hygiene and safety concept and a positive attitude.”

Matthias Pollmann
Vice President Trade Fair Management, Koelnmesse

Safe networking

And speaking of connection, the stand personnel contributes significantly to your trade fair success. Being proactive and outgoing are key requirements here. In these corona times, however, the personal contact that is so essential for trade fairs is restricted: no handshaking, smile hidden behind a mask and distancing. In addition, employees are instructed to be vigilant about compliance with hygiene procedures. This can make it difficult to have a casual conversation.

That is why planning the design of the trade fair stand is so important. Make sure there is enough space between tables, chairs, columns and exhibits. You can use barrier tape to create separate entrances and exits as well as a one-way traffic system if necessary in order to regulate the flow of visitors. Closed meeting rooms are not allowed in order to ensure better air circulation. These and other measures will help you to support the stand personnel and ensure a safe trade fair experience.

Measures at Koelnmesse

Of course, it is not only exhibitors who need to make sure that hygiene rules are observed. In addition to putting together the #B-SAFE4business safety concept, Koelnmesse has also taken numerous other precautions:

  • Registration for the trade fair will take place exclusively online in order to control the number of participants and avoid long ticket lines at the counter. Tickets will be checked directly on the smartphone.
  • There will be special regulations for coat check and bag search procedures, parking ticket machines, elevators and information stands.
  • Disinfectant dispensers will be available throughout the premises and protective masks will be provided. Bathroom facilities will be regularly disinfected.
  • All doors except for fire doors will be kept open in order to ensure enough air circulation and reduce contact with surfaces.
  • Aisle widths, traffic areas and conference seats will be adjusted in accordance with the safety distance.
  • Digital guidance systems, app monitoring, online appointments, contact-free payment in restaurants and other digital services will provide additional safety.

Excited about January 2021

Corona has presented the trade fair world with many challenges, which Koelnmesse sees as opportunities to implement new concepts and digital solutions – also with regard to trade fair stands.

  • It still remains to be how trade fairs will develop in the future. Until then, we welcome the chance to try new things and thank the exhibitors and visitors for their cooperation with regard to safety. Further information about imm cologne in January 2021 can be found here.

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