20.–23.01.2026 #immcologne

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Exclusive premium trade fair

Exhibitor registration for idd cologne

Inspiring design, high-quality brands and an innovative concept: interior design days cologne (idd cologne) will make its debut from 26 to 29 October 2025 in Cologne! Be part of the new trade fair for residential and hospitality interiors and reach a select audience of premium retailers, interior design professionals and passionate interior design enthusiasts from all around the world. Register now and take advantage of attractive early-bird booking conditions until 31 May 2025!


Early-bird offer until 31 May 2025: €240.00/m² plus VAT

From 1 June 2025: €276.00/m² plus VAT

Calculate your costs Save Early Bird

We take data protection absolutely seriously!

Our Koelnmesse exhibitors are increasingly receiving dubious offers for the sale of visitor addresses from the most varied target groups, in some cases even in the name of Koelnmesse. These offers are illegal, and we distance ourselves expressly from them! We treat all visitor data we collect in the context of our events, for example, for personalised tickets, pursuant to strict, current data protection provisions.

Koelnmesse GmbH does not forward the data of visitors of its events to third parties. Please do not respond to these dubious address offers!

AUMA provides up-to-date information